rainbow olive salad

rainbow olive salad

This bowl of shiny, multicolored olives is surprisingly addictive. You’ll find yourself going back again and again, just to try one more type that you might have missed. I recommend over-dressing the olives so that you have extra oil at the bottom of the dish, for sopping up with bread. This recipe was used in my menu for Parasha Noach.

You will need:

  • Olives—as many kinds as you can find

  • Olive oil

  • Salt

  • Parsley

  • Mint

  • Dill

  • Garlic, very finely minced or pressed

  • Coarsely ground black pepper

  • Lemon zest

There are no measurements here. Gather together all of your favorite olives, as many kinds and colors as you can find. It’s easiest to eat if they’re pre pitted.

Dress them with a splash of high quality, fruity extra virgin olive oil, a sprinkle of salt, a few grinds of the pepper mill, as much minced or pressed fresh garlic as you like, some lemon zest, and some chopped parsley, mint, and dill. Refrigerate the olive salad for at least an hour before serving, to let the flavors meld.

Did you make it? Was it fabulous?