They come
by twos, by fives, by ones
Wearing faces washed over with the remnants
of the week and of the day.
Happy, sad, excited,
exhausted, frustrated, satisfied,
angry, or anxious; they cross my threshold
with diaper bags, with walkers, in noisy groups or silent and alone,
They come. And then comes the magic.
The soft serenity of the space opens its arms, takes them in and
almost as one they are transformed,
transfixed by a bewitching aroma that dances in the air.
It’s an aroma that says
Home. Peace. Love. Shabbat.
That aroma is challah.
We’re going to bake some fabulous, gorgeous challot. I promise, your family and friends will be kvelling when you bring your delicious, freshly baked challah to the table. We’ll also explore how challah can be much more than a loaf of bread. In my mind, it’s a metaphor for all that’s good in the world. Baking challah can even be a transformative meditation.
Making challah changed my life, and just like friends who can’t wait to show you the photos from their vacation, it’s been such a fabulous trip for me that I can’t wait to share it with you. Think of making challah as a doorway through which we can step to discover a deeper understanding of ourselves, and of the universe of which we are a part.
Mystical magical challah
Of all of our senses, it’s the sense of smell that best captures a moment and keeps it safe for us. Then, years later, without warning and encouraged by no more than the slightest tease of a distant familiar whiff, it returns those moments to us. It’s visceral in a way that its sister senses can only aspire to be.
Beyond The Bread
Explore everything you’ve ever wanted to know about challah—and more than you knew you wanted to know.
Braid it. Bake it. Serve it. Eat it. Be transformed by it.