menus and thoughts for friday nights
Each week as I study the next parasha, I find a new insight that I may have missed before; one that speaks to me in this moment. I also look for something in the reading to inspire a menu. I try to have at least one dish that can steer the conversation towards even a short exploration of the sidra. We wouldn’t want to be so enthralled by the beautiful meal that we forget to feed our minds and spirits!
Come with me on my journey through the Torah. Together we’ll search, discover, think, imagine, and be inspired.
And we’ll eat.
There’s always challah. Well, almost always. What constitutes “Shabbat bread” varies from culture to culture. We’ll explore some of those other traditional breads as well.
Because cooking all day can be my idea of fun—when I have time and when I feel like doing it—some of my menus may require hours in the kitchen. Don’t be intimidated by them. Usually, there are steps that can be done in advance during the week and often there are possible shortcuts.
But, you’ll also find many other menus that can be whipped up, soup to dessert, in an hour, because that’s what my life, or my mood, demands at that moment.
My Shabbat dinners usually, but not always, consist of a soup, a main course, and a dessert. Sometimes, but not always, there are dips and/or a fish course. A menu may feature “Jewish” recipes that reflect my Ashkenazi roots, but it’s just as likely to be untraditional, borrowing from the cuisines of every culture. You’ll find menus for omnivores and menus for vegetarians, and you’ll see that many of my recipes can be made either way.
click on the parasha below to discover my menus, musings, and meanderings
Devarim (coming soon)
Va’etchanan (coming soon)
Eikev (coming soon)
Re’eh (coming soon)
Shoftim (coming soon)
Ki Teitzei (coming soon)
Ki Tavo (coming soon)
Nitzavim (coming soon)
Vayelech (coming soon)
Haazinu (coming soon)
V’Zot HaBerachah (coming soon)